Sunday, November 4, 2007

These guys are rockin' out to our youth dance festival music. They get their moves from their dad!

The rest of these pictures are pictures of our little monsters on Halloween.


Lyric Payne said...

Oh my gosh...I miss your kids. I loved watching the groovin'. Adam has some head shakin' soul moves! The costumes are great. I especially love the green face.

Sandi said...

I can hardly wait until you get those little ones up here. They are so precious. McKay and Ally were really going at it. Did you notice Mckay's face? He was so serious, it was hilarious. Adam is crawling!!!!!!!!! What a cute group. We love you. Keep them coming.

Mitchell Family said...

How cute are they?! Wow, that would be nice going trick or treating with no shoes or socks and short sleeves! We were so bundled up and still froze! That is one thing I would like about living in Vegas.

Brynn said...

Becky, how cute. I love to see the different blogs, now you have to go to mine and comment. Keep up the good work. I'll help you if you need help.

Emily said...

Hey Becks! I found you....Barb showed me the blog. I love it. I was totally cracking up at Adam dancing. He's the cutest!

Emily said...

Becks-Carrie told me that you sent me an e-mail. I'm sorry but I never got it, but our blogspot is

Dunn's said...

Looks like Adam has his dad's rhythm (Jesse could really cut the rug in his day!) The kids are so cute in their Halloween costumes. I can't wait to see you all at Christmas. Woohoo!

~Amy said...

Hey Smith Family,
I had no idea you guys had a blogspot until I saw it posted on emily's site. Great!!!! Our blogspot is
We can't wait to see you all next year! The kiddos are SOOOO CUTE!!! Give them a big hug from us. Love ya'll!!!!
~Amy and family

browntowntwenty1 said...

time for a new blog! did you get the pictures i sent you guys?

Emily said...

Becky you are long overdue for an update!

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